The Research, Development & Process Journal

When it comes from the research of my IRP, I use a lot of the technical side to do my coffee table book. My whole IRP was basically more about the trend and the trying to prediction and production of his books. these coffee table books. So I made sure to look back at all the research I did on publishing and the aspects of production when it comes to my work for my IRP. I also was looking at different styles of different coffee table books and my IRP. This is also something that I used when it came to my ifp. Also, with my IRP, my primary research was very much focus on what people look for when it comes to coffee table books this I applied very much into my book since I had more than understanding what people were looking for when it comes to the content that you can find inside books like this. Of course, since I wanted to make this very personalized this book, I use my elements of what I liked which also, I looked into a lot in my IRP, but still making sure that this book if it was on shelves could still sell one day. I focus my coffee table book on Waze to show off my photography skills and different projects throughout my life and this is some thing that I looked into a lot during my IRP because many artists and designers and architects use coffee table book as personal portfolios to show off what they’re capable of and what they want people to see. My IRP was also very helpful when it came to looking at Waze to create and layout my pages and how I would want to do that.
Since I want to be in either advertising or marketing in my future, I believe that this book is a very smart way to give a look into the work I’m able to do for potential clients. This is where I believe that my book would work in the professional industry context Since many different artists architects and other people with more creative careers show how they work through these books. This is something that I wanted very much to focus on when looking into these books and how I wanted mine to be. The end goal for this project is for me to be able to show off my work in a creative but unique way, which does not have screens which we are most of the day looking at. When employers are looking to hire you and they want to look at your projects. I feel like websites is something not very personal, but with a coffee table book I really truly believe that you can look into this book and see how someone really works but more interactive and less eye draining way. Since my book is so personal I believe that people really can get an insight on my own personality and on my working style when considering hiring me.
This week I have mostly focused on making sure I understand exactly what I want to do for my project. Since last semester, I was told that I should make the book more about myself I have been trying to find creative ways of making this book sort of like a portfolio. I have looked into many different personal coffee table, books of artists which show off their work and have text which describes their work this I will be looking even more at during the weeks to come trying to create something similar, but still something extremely personal. I already know the style that the book I want to look like it needs to represent me in the very specific way, so making sure that it is minimalist and that really shows off my style of work. Books that I have looked at are Tom Ford, Salvador Dali, helmet Newton and Slim Aarons coffee table book. This will help me understand the exact way that I want my work to be displayed in my future project.

This week I conducted my first photo shoot for this project. I was very much inspired by the picture of Diana behind the yachts that her boyfriend owned. I wanted to create a new picture that looks very similar to this. These pictures of Diana were taken by paparazzi who was on different boats and on mainland. she is sitting behind the boat on the pass way when they are docked up in the middle of the ocean. I love this picture because of the purity and how it was a photo taken candid and not posed. I believe that this was vital on the reason for why this picture became so famous. I am very happy with how this photography shoot came out and I’m very happy that I was able to mimic such a legendary picture.

Unexpectedly, I also have done another styling project this week with a friend of mine on a staircase. I decided that I wanted to style her for dinner, one night I decided that the outfit was great so take pictures of it. For this I wasn’t very inspired by any particular artist or picture, but I did want to create this extravagant look with this grand staircase that we were able to use. This picture was more I would say a casual picture, but I think turned out really well. Looking down at this stunning façade staircase, and the simple dress with her pop of red flag just works perfectly with the location in the back.

This week was focusing on the cover for my book. After doing a class on different coffee books and seeing different coffee table extreme class, I figured out that when it came to my cover, I wanted it to be very minimalist and not have much on the front of it. I think that the book I was most inspired by was Rihanna book, the cover of that book was black with a photo of her in black-and-white. Even though I don’t think that my book will look very much like that I really liked it. Honestly the thing that I was more inspired by with her book was the sleeve of the book. The sleeve of the book was black with just her name on the front of it. This for me was very much what I want my book to look like. But I think that I will be putting a small picture above the name of one of my photography to make it a bit more exciting. I am going to test out the cover by doing it just plain with nothing on it just my name, but I will also experiment with putting a picture on the front of it to see how that looks. The one thing I know for a fact is that I will want the text to be de bossed into my book to create a bit more of an art form to the cover of the book.

This week I have been in formentera with my family. I created a list of all places where I thought there were beautiful views and beautiful scenery to go around and take pictures of the landscaping. Since we were on a boat, I thought it was a perfect time to take as many pictures from the sea as possible, especially focusing on the Boat aspect since that is part of the book that I really want to incorporate since I am extremely interested in boats. I made sure to take the pictures with my digital camera to create this kind of dramatic look to it. I also made my uncle do crazy stunts on the mass of the boat so that I could take a picture of him hanging from the mass of the boat. This Created these amazing pictures that I am very happy and fortunate to add into my portfolio. Since I know that I want to focus my book purely on my photography I think that this really shows what I’m capable of by finding locations around the world which I truly believe are unique and show an amazing piece of art and landscaping. Since I travel a lot with my family, especially during the summer I do think that this is a perfect opportunity for me too take pictures of my surroundings and have a great time by doing that.

This week, I focus on trying to take pictures of a friend of mine with doing different stunts throughout the week. We started off with try and take pictures diving in the pool to see how it looked like ended up, turning out very well and then continued with taking pictures on cliffs and, seeing if that would turn out cool for the project. I was very happy because they really did exceeded my expectations and come out very cool to showcase and use as a project for my coffee table book.

This week I also did a styling project by styling my friend and my self. This styling was made to mimic each other, meaning creating 2 different looks for 2 different genders that resemble each other. We did these pictures in the same locations so that we can really show the way that I wanted the pictures to look almost the same


Since now I have taken most the pictures that I want on the book of course still continuing to add more and take more throughout the weeks. I am now looking more laying out the pages for the book. So I’m taking into consideration, many different books and different ideas on how I would want my book to look like getting inspired from different books and different artist who have created books to see how they layout their pages and how I personally would want to layout my pages. I decided at the end to go with using most pages to put full pictures in because I do believe this is what I think is the most aesthetically pleasing when it comes to my book and at the end of the day what I want from my book really is not to be very text. Heavy and mostly focus on only photography since I want it to be a very visually pleasing book. So I believe that the layouts that I thought were the best and the ones that I will use the most in my book is how assouline location, coffee table books are laid out. I think that this is for me, the most closely correlated page layout that I will be using since they to use most their pages for full spread pictures and not as text heavy and go a lot with quotation marks I won’t be using quotation marks on mine since for me it will be more like a reasoning for why I took these pictures and for why I want to show these pictures to my future employers or , you in school.
This week I focused mostly on editing pictures even though since I used my digital camera for most of the pictures, I didn’t need to use much editing because of how they turned out alone. I did try and edit the ones that I did do on my phone to try and work on making them look as much symmetry as possible. I also did image Curation to look through all the images that I wanted throughout my entire few years of taking pictures, which ones I wanted in the book and which ones I didn’t. Since this book is a portfolio of some sorts. I did make sure to use pictures that I have taken also in the past so that I can show off my photography skills in total and also since I have been sick for the past week and still not feeling 100%, I had to cancel a lot of photo shoots that I had planned to do with friends and sadly lost a good amount of my deposit from one studio that I was going to shoot at because of the illness. So unfortunately, the pictures won’t be as many as I wish especially with styling, but I do think that I will be able to still have a good amount of pictures to show and prove that I have a good eye with photography and with image curation.

now for this week, I have been working mostly on just putting everything into my book creating a new layout to see an experimenting with different layouts to see exactly what I wanted. Also worked on my R&D and research for different parts of inspiration for certain pictures and just making sure that writing my paragraphs for each of the passages of my book. I also decided this week that I wanted to create the element of my three cultures in this book so me growing up in the UK for a bit being from Switzerland and being from Sweden. I want to show those three cultures so I’m putting those three languages in my book. This will add a bit more work because I’ll have to translate Most of the text to Swedish to French so that I can do the full aspect of my three languages that I love and want to show that I’m able to speak to future employers. Since I have applied two jobs in Paris and jobs in Sweden, I want to also show to these employers that I speak the language that they can read the language without having to translate themselves and that they will understand their language what my book is about.

This week i am focusing on finalising all the stuff that I need for my book for my RND and for the presentation, just making sure that everything is perfect and up to what I want, putting all my mood boards into my research and development and making sure that I meet all the criteria for school And that I can submit on time.

Inspiration research
Dylan don
Dylan don is a fashion photographer who has worked with many different brands in the past. He is known for his party photography with the vibrant colours he uses in them. When it comes to photography I love the use of colours and the extravagance that colours use to create such a dramatic look. He is truly my inspiration when it comes to most of my photography. I do use less colour when it comes to the project but i do make sure that the editing and the way that most of his pictures are mostly darker. He is known for taking pictures of lavish interiors, cars and landscapes as well as taking pictures of people. Even though my style resembles his, I create another twist into this. His vintage feel to his photography is something i look up to as well, since i am very interested in the 20th century i believe he is someone who captures this feel perfectly

Steven Meisel
Steven Meisel is another photographer who I look up to when it comes to more fashion photography. His way of making women look gorgeous but avant garde is inspirational. His use of black and white is something that I want to replicate when it comes to shooting different models. With his photography he will most likely use a studio to shoot them, but for me i don't believe there is anything more gorgeous that shooting people in nature. The views mixed with the gorgeous humans really creates this sense of warmth and elegance.

Slim Aarons
Slim aarons is another photographer who inspires me Again with his use of colours and elegance surrounding his pictures. He also loves to take pictures throughout the summer in places which normally would be considered the more glamorous locations. He primarily took pictures in hotels and ski resorts which were very famous, one of them being Hotel Du Cap in Cap d’antibes in france, this is a place which i have been to very much in my life and actually have many pictures in the book which are taken at the hotel. He would use many models in his pictures which is something that i would have liked to do more in my pictures, sadly i wasn't able to do many pictures like this. His use of locations such as mountains and by the sea locations is something that i really get inspired by with his work.

Peter Lindbergh
Peter Lindbergh is another fashion photographer who has inspired me a lot for this project. Peter is known for his extreme minimalistic style when it comes to picture taking, he once said that he wants to take pictures of women at their simplest so that people look at them and not what they are wearing. This is something which I take to heart because I love how a simple picture can just show a person's beauty. When it comes to my work i take the inspiration of the less is more approach to the styling and also the make up, this is something you will continuously see throughout the book.

Styling inspirations
Patti Wilson
Patti wilson is a stylist who is known for her over the top gorgeous styling. She is one of my favourite stylists. Even though I would say that her style maybe isn’t as much my own, i truly believe that she is the woman who made me love styling from a young age. I would not say that I was inspired by her for the book styling but she is someone who i will always admire and hope to be as fabulous as one day.

Carolyn bessette kennedy
Even though Carolyn isn't a stylist, I am inspired by the way she dresses when it comes to styling. The 90s minimalism she portrayed was just so inspiring, I think she was and still is one of the best dressed people. When it comes to my styling, looking up to her is very much what you can see throughout the book.

Rosie huntington-whitely
Again she is not a stylist, but the way she dresses herself is another person i look up to when styling. She can put clothes together in a way that looks so effortless but yet so chic. She also knows exactly how to make an outfit work perfectly for her body which is something that i believe is very important when it comes to styling

Sade is another person who inspires me when it comes to her style. She is so minimalistic but in the best way possible. She is one of the most timelessly elegant people out there. If you look at how she dressed in the past these outfits could definitely be worn today. This is something that I find very important, i do not like trends which can be looked back on and think that its not good anymore, so this is why i am also inspired by her.

Book inspiration
Acne papers
I was very much inspired by acne papers when it came to creating my book. The reasoning for this is that they don't solely focus on fashion but also art, photography, architecture and many more. I really wanted my book to not focus on one topic because I am someone with many different interests. This was important to me so that people knew that I am not only a fashion person but have many different interests which I would like to contribute to in the future. As for page design I really loved the way that acne papers showed off their photography, even though I decided to create my one in a slightly different way, I thought that this was a good starting point to look at.

Assouline Travel book
The Assouline travel books are books which show off different places in the world. They prioritise taking pictures of the beauty of these places. This is something that I really wanted to look at when creating my book. The beauty of the earth is something that is really portrayed in their books and I believe that this is the reason for these books being so popular. They also tend to have more simple covers which is something which I really wanted in my book. I like that they don't use any pictures when it comes to the cover but then extremely heavily use pictures throughout the book. I also love the way that they use full pages to showcase photography which is something that I have heavily used in my book.

After much consideration I decided to use a mix of glossy and matte paper for the book. Photography will be on glossy paper but then text heavy pages using matte paper. This will create this unique sensory experience when reading the book, but also make the pictures come out eye catching and nicer to look at
The cover will be a hard cover with a matte finish, the text will be de-bossed into the cover to create a dramatic effect. This was inspired purely by the assouline travel book.
Skills i used from past modules
The skills I used from the past modules are mostly from the styling and photography modules that we did throughout the course. I used a lot of the techniques that the teachers told us to do when doing these modules. For example working with editing these pictures and also with using lighting with pictures I took. I believe that the module that helped me the most with this project was the sensations project, since we did a lot of photography and videography i believe that these skills helped me so much with image curation for this project. Also since in the module we took pictures of still life and also street style this helped me immensely with shooting my images to have a perfect result. I also believe our marketing modules helped me too, since I am marketing myself to future employers. I believe I knew exactly the techniques to make sure that I came off my best when it came to this book .
With image making I made sure to use my Contax G2 camera to have the aesthetic I wanted for the pictures. The pictures that this camera takes gives off this vintage feel and vibrant look to all the pictures I took. This was far superior to pictures that I took on my phone. Since the colours are vibrant there were times when I needed to edit down the brightness of the photos so that I could give off this more gloomy and dark aesthetic when it came to my pictures. For editing my pictures I will honestly not lie but I primarily used my photos and editing on my computer, you are able to do such amazing editing when using this app. There are many different choices of what to edit throughout the app, for example brightness also hue and saturation. This helped me immensely when it came to the vibes i wanted my pictures to come out as. Lastly I used indesign to do my layout of pages and the book. Since indesign is one of the for laying out because of the vast amount of things you are able to do with the program. Also the best to make it look like a book. I also used procreate to create the cover of my book to give it the debossed look .
Problems that occurred
So my main problem was the illnesses I had. I got very sick for 2 weeks over the time when i was working on the project, this made it very hard for me to work on the project since I could not do much. I had to cancel a lot of photoshoots that I had planned to do because I didn't want people to catch what I had since it was very contagious and my entire family caught it from me. I also was not well enough to stand in a studio or outdoors taking pictures of people. For me this was a problem which I solved by making sure that at that time I just needed to focus more on the laying out of the book and the editing, since I wasn't able to do much I made sure to prioritise that. Another problem I faced was that throughout the summer I was travelling at the same time as working on this so I needed to put myself on a strict schedule so that I could make sure that I would not fall behind. I would make sure to work 5 days a week every morning so that I could finish it on time.
Image Referencing
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Research Referencing
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